
The End

I have been preparing a few prints for someone back in Australia and it has reminded me of how lovely the weather is there and how much we take it for granted. As i walked in the slush to uni yesturday with one foot completly wet and slowly going numb i thought about how i would rather be on my inagural Indonesia Trip. I am going travelling again tomorrow so i will be offline for about a month. Should have plenty of images for when i get back. For the time being here are a few images that were inspired by Vincent LaForet, an amazing predomiatly tilt-shift photographer but also great with video work. Check him out if you havnt seen his stuff its great.


That Time of the year again

At the begining of every year thousands of kids flock to the gold coast to stand in the hot hot sun and drink cool well over priced beers. Always an expensive day with the hang over usually lasting at least the next day as dehyration is a killer when bottles of water can be usually bought for $3 a pop. Why do we do it every year, the memory of the good times is always etched into our minds. Here is a picture i took while working at V-fest last year.


Lost In Translation

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Always thought i wouldnt be that guy. There is a very valid reason. I am currently travelling through Spain, Portugal and then on to Rome.

I will be back in 2 weeks to post some more but here is a sample from the trip so far.

Hope you all had a great new years and made lots of promises you'll probably never keep but felt good about making.

As a result of not having photoshop at my disposal, all images were shot with only one shoe on.