
too long

beeen way too long between posts. ive got one problem, i dont have photoshop at the moment. dear santa, please bring me photoshop. thats all.

going to noosa and then the solomon islands. cya in a few weeks with some epicly nice peeektures.

in the mean time check this blog out its awesome http://thexraymachines.tumblr.com/



oh and merry xmas and all that



It is important you vote for Noah in this comp. Get him $50,0000 yeeeeeeah

It takes 3 minutes to do it, come on you know you all have enough time. He shreds and deserves it way more than any of us. You can vote everyday so while your creeping the book why not help a brother out


here are a few pics i took of him the other week



and remember kids - smoking kills


Graduate exhibition

In a show this thursday, come on over and see my work. and everyone elses. you know id come see yours. also having drinks before it at my house. do itttttt


Past few

Been working day and night to finish up my uni folio last few weeks. come out epic and fully stoked with the final product. get down to the exhibition next thursday at QCA to get your greedy eyes on it.

Got myself a job as a driver for the next few days on the farewell Powderfinger tour. Always a pleasure to drive them around, all legends. Stoked about my job title too.

Other pic is Noosa, from last weekend where i became the froth monster. Was awesome shooting in the water with everyone out there. Wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. Yeeeeah Noosa.

oh and if you read this today go see joel birch's show tonight at 9lives gallery in the valley. Photos and illustrations. should be epic, the guy has talent and loads of it.


el testo

Test shot for upcoming fashion shoot

Check out the designer (and step in model)'s blog http://mayasundari.blogspot.com



Unedited preview of last weeks shoot

Clothing by Karina Seljak
Model: Fleur Huynh
Styling: Kate Stein
Photography: me

Buy her clothes at the Fleet store
Level Two of The Wintergarden in the City

Straddie Gold

2 Weekends ago too me to North Stradbroke island to shoot a bit of behind the scenes stuff for a new campaign the boys at Vanguard are putting together. Rain couldn't stop the antics of the boys usual shoots and a rad time was definitely had by all. The following are random shots that show none of their clothing, cant give it away just yet.

The boys sell their stuff online if you need some new threads but don't want to leave your WOW game for too long. Check their website out and also check out Benn Wood the photographer who shot the campaign website out, definitely worth a look.


The Drums

Containers full of tobacco, free papers, free rollies, quiet talk of which of the 5 flavours would be better spin oh and a bunch of ipod and ipad give aways. Tobacconist Dream was the Launch of Drum Cigarettes last week.



A series i am working on at the moment


Acids back

been super busy, got lots of post to do but this one is the best

thanks for having me down in melbourne grep and everyone else whos couches/floors i slept on

Check this Video out - Grep Vs Proud (i smashed him)


first to fall

The last week has been hectic, more photos to come but here is a run down

- shot for brisbane writers festival
- took pics of Ahn Do while he joked about being a boat person
- crashed a 12 seater mini bus (yes i left a note) infront of 2 members of Powderfinger
- drove around acclaimed director Gregor Jordan (Unthinkable, Two Hands, Ned Kelly)
- drove around Powderfinger and their families
- worked at their concert from 7am saturday till 11am monday
- bought a new computer (27 inch Imac)
- got to meet back up with the vines and shot 2 of their songs before going back to work
- managed to completely fuck a 1tb hard drive

thats all

if anyone actually reads this can you please bring some surf to the gold coast its been way too long between swells


greener pastures

wish i was better at it


shared times

good weekend, fail surf but legends all round
big ups to the people who make the fish taco's at burleigh too - amazing!


3 people

3 messages

sweet costume miss
goodluck down in melbourne my friend
welcome home dude


bustin chops

hectic few weeks

heres a shot unedited from the last shoot i did before splendour. Got plenty of band polaroids from splendour however waiting to see if any get published before i put them up here so this is going to have to do


its here again

for those lucky enough to come this weekend heres some directions

cya there


drifting indian

just returned home from a few weeks on the island of Java. Have 4 rolls of 120 and 3 of 35mm im waiting to get back, hopefully some gold. for the mean time heres a nice little sunset we scored practically alone